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3.0 Introduction

This effort involves the complete design of the subsystem to the point at which computer programs and subsystem personnel task descriptions may be written. All computer logic, data base organization, hardware/software specifications, and manual position descriptions are completely designed and documented.

Although parts of the manual and EDP subsystems design may be accomplished concurrently, much of the manual detailed design should precede the computer detailed design. This is true because it is generally possible to adapt the computer processing to any human need, while, for policy, practice, order of difficulty, or humanitarian reasons, it is often difficult to attempt to adapt human processing to computer needs.

Detailed design is the point at which the design of the subsystems may be staggered to provide a phased, development effort. This provides efficiency of personnel usage within the development organization, However, the detailed design of a total subsystem should be completed before a process or procedure within that subsystem should be completed before a process or procedure within that subsystem is committed to programming or human job synthesis. The Detailed Design team would normally be composed of program designers and procedure writers, supervised by system designers.

For medium and large systems, the distinction between Preliminary and Detailed Design is apparent, with several subsystems normally being developed from Detail Design in a staggered fashion over different time periods. For small systems, where there is no definition of subsystem, the distinction between Preliminary Design and Detailed Design becomes unclear and, in fact, unimportant. Likewise, the relative importance of some activities will vary considerably with the size and complexity of the system. In one case, there could be a very small system using an already existing file where data base design is relatively unimportant, while, in another, there could be large, complex systems and data bases requiring many man-years of design effort. In almost all cases, the activities indicated would be needed to some degree; those included in Detail Design are to:.

· Develop human procedures (3.1)

· Develop manual forms and computer input/output interfaces (3.2)

· Design physical data base (3.3)

· Design subsystem protection features (3.4)

· Define subsystem programs (3.5)

· Develop logic flowcharts and tables (3.6)

· Specify software utilities and common routines (3.7)

· Develop subsystem test plan (3.8)

· Product Detailed Design report (3.9)

The specific documents produced as a result of these activities and retained in the Project File are:

· Procedural diagrams

· Procedural descriptions

· Procedural practices

· Work aid descriptions

· Manual operating forms (design forms)

· Computer I/O and interface layouts

· File record layouts

· File media charts

· Data Base specifications

· Data base conversion logic

· Internal error detection and correction specifications

· Security and privacy specifications

· Reliability specifications

· Fallback, recovery and reconstruction specifications

· Process breakout

· Program breakout

· Logic mainline flowchart

· Program interface document

· Program processing narrative

· Data pass area and intermediate file layouts

· Program logic flowchart

· Program decision tables

· Program matrices

· Utility requirements

· Specific common routines

· Logic flowcharts (common routines)

· Subsystem test plan

· Test schedule

· Design of test driver or test generator logic

· Detailed Design report



Exhibit 3.0-A. Suggested Detailed Design Activity Network.





3.3 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.9



3.4 3.8

3.1 Develop human procedures

3.2 Design manual forms and computer input/output interfaces

3.3 Design physical data base

3.4 Design subsystem protection features

3.5 Define subsystem programs

3.6 Develop logic flowcharts and tables

3.7 Specify software utilities and common routines

3.8 Develop subsystem test plan

3.9 Produce Detailed Design report

3.1 Develop Human Procedures

Human procedures are a series of statements that establish a course of action to be followed consistently under the stated conditions (Procedures apply to individuals as do programs to computers.). They are instrumental in instructing personnel in their responsibilities and, by their systematic approach, can bring about improvements to methods, performance, and organization.

During this activity, human processes are expanded into step-by-step procedures. Each step in then described as clearly and directly as possible so that the procedure may serve as part of a job or task description of personnel, detailed enough for personnel to make a smooth transition to the new subsystem. Each step will be augmented by appropriate supporting information such as cautions and references to corrective procedures and exhibits. The narrative descriptions should be supported by a work flow. Specified in the narrative are the trigger mechanisms for the procedures and estimated time requirements. In addition, lists should be created of all document inputs, outputs, manual files and man/machine interfaces pertinent to that procedure.

Key points in the execution of this activity are:

· Each step within a procedure must be defined in enough detail to describe the required performance

· All data required to execute the procedure must be specified

· The product or action resulting from the procedure must be clearly specified

· The sequence of steps within the procedure must be preserved

· The interfaces with other procedures and with the EDP environment must be explicit

· All basic requirements must be met in terms of:

- Accuracy

- Flexibility

- Security

- Timing

· The procedures should be no more complex than are required for reasonably experienced personnel. Training for new personnel is covered elsewhere in this manual.

Corrective procedures are also included with the objective of providing operating personnel with the appropriate procedures which will ensure reasonable operation of the system in the face of any emergency. these procedures will describe the trigger mechanism and the step-by-step details of manual corrections, including human error detection and recovery.

Several factors enter into development of corrective procedures, such as the significance of the particular failure, its effect on completion time, its expected frequency, and the additional cost of developing the procedure itself. On the basis of these factors, estimates are made of the support and maintenance requirements - the requisite skill and knowledge levels of maintenance personnel, facilities needed, central versus local maintenance, work aids required, etc. Finally, procedures are designed for the positions of support and maintenance.

After the various procedures have been established, they are carefully evaluated in terms of:

· Non-redundancy

· Compliance

· Consistency

· Understandability

· Efficiency

· Error handling

They are then synthesized into functionally usable procedural practices.

3.1.1. Methods

1. Analyze the individual human process to the level at which all the steps required to execute the process are clearly defined

2. List these steps in an outline, narrative form, being careful not to disturb the natural sequence.

3. For each step, list the input data required and the source, list specified outputs and their destination, and specify the data environment.

4. Develop a list of the possible human system failures. Rank order them by their degree of adverse effect on the system.

5. Associate with each item the method(s) of identifying and isolating the failure.

6. Determine the corrective procedures required and develop them into a step-by-step description covering:

- Data reconstruction

- System recovery and fallback

7. Indicate the specific stimuli or triggers which will initiate a procedure.

8. Develop procedural diagrams which describe, in flowchart style, the procedures to be undertaken.

9. Write the Procedure Description which is generally, in one of two formats:

- Playscript, or

- Cookbook

In the playscript style, each page of the procedure is divided into two sections. On the left are listed the position(s) responsible for the action. On the right are shown the detailed actions to be followed. The playscript format has an advantage in that an individual concerned with part of the total procedures need scan only the entries on the left to locate those action entries which affect him. However, since the playscript format leaves more blank space on the left, its bilk is correspondingly increased.

In the cookbook style, the procedures are presented in narrative, sequential fashion. However, sentence structure excludes unnecessary words - clarity, not style, is the aim.

10. Analyze the Procedural Descriptions to determine if all information is present that would be required to describe the procedure in enough detail for its accomplishment.

11. Synthesize and evaluate human procedures; this is a "human engineering activity" during which procedural diagrams and descriptions and other components are brought together, classified, assembled, and produced as preliminary Procedural Practices. A major purpose is to combine similar procedures, thereby reducing redundancy. These practices are then evaluated for consistency, completeness, and understandability, and may be subsequently revised and re-edited, as indicated.

The evaluation of Procedural Practices cannot be thorough and exhaustive until worker performance using the practices can be assesses. This means that a training program may be developed and representative workers trained before the practices can be fully validated. However, a "walk through" evaluation of each procedure is essential and should be accomplished as early as practicable in the development effort. This type of evaluation will help to point out the inconsistencies and incompleteness in areas where more information is required to finalize the design work. Particular attention should be given to interface requirements between procedures in order to ensure an optimally designed work flow.

3.1.2 Products

· Procedural diagrams (see Exhibit 3.1-A)

· Procedural descriptions (see Exhibit 3.1-B)

· Procedural practices (see Exhibits 3.1-C and 3.1-D)

· Work aid descriptions

3.1.3 Background

· Process flowchart (2.5)

· Process descriptions (2.6)

· Data catalog (2.4)

· System performance criteria (1.4)

· System environment specification (2.2)

· Selected system approach (1.8)

· Human engineering analysis documents (2.8)

Exhibit 3.1-A. Example Of Procedural Diagram.



















(To be supplied)




























Exhibit 3.1-B. Example Of Procedural Description.

4004-PM01. Procedure for receipt of a Request For Proposal (RFP)

1. On receipt of an RFP, it should be logged in the RFP register and numbered.

2. Pull the client card.

3. Prepare a RFP card for each request.

4. Prepare a RFP confirmation in duplicate.

5. Send the RFP’s daily to the EDP center as input for proposal preparation.

6. Verify the RFP confirmation against the client RFP.

7. Log the preparation of the RFP confirmation in the proposal register.

8. Send the original RFP confirmation to the client.

9. File both the copy of the RFP confirmation and the RFP in the client file.

10. Sort the RFP card in RFP number sequence.

11. Refile the RFP card in the proposal file

12. Refile the client cards daily in the client file.

13. This procedure is the entry point to the Project Monitoring and control System (PMACS).


NOTE: This is the procedure required on receipt of all RFP’s. Careful records are maintained to ensure that all RFP’s are responded to within an appropriate time, with a proposal or a "no-bid". there is a weekly review of all outstanding RFP’s (see 4004-PM10).





























Exhibit 3.1-C. Example Of Procedural Practice Narrative

Project Monitoring and Control System (PMACS)

· A project team will be assigned for the initial phases of the project. Estimated PMACS Project and Task Plans will be filled out by the Project Leader (Ref. 1/2).

· The Project Leader will review the Project and Task Plans with the Project Team and arrive at mutually agreeable estimates of the tasks involved. It is very important that the members of the Project Team be allowed to influence or to directly estimate the tasks they will be effecting. This negotiation will result in a Project Plan which is acceptable to all members of the team. Special problems may accrue if the new estimates vary considerably from those arrived at in the pre-study. In such a case, either the new estimates must be revised or further negotiation with the customer is in order (Ref. 3/4).

· The Project Leader will submit the Project Task plans to the PMACS System Coordinator for review. The System Coordinator will check the plans for accuracy, completeness, and conformity. Any such plan must be submitted before Friday each week (Ref. 5/6)

· The Initial Project and Task Plans are keypunched and entered into PMACS; this marks the beginning of the project insofar as PMACS is concerned and time can now be charges against the project. If any of the time spent during the Definition Study is desired to be captured and entered into PMACS, it may be done at this time via time Sheets or Charge Forms (Reef. 7/8)






Exhibit 3.1-D. Example Of Procedural Practice Work Flow.

Ref. No.



Executed by



Assign project team

Start project

Fill out estimated project and task plans

Project leader

Responsible manager




PMACS Project Plan

PMACS Task Plan

Project leader



Review planning with project team

Project leader

Project team




PMACS Project Plan

PMACS Test Plan

Project leader





Review plans with PMACS system coordinator

PMACS system coordinator




PMACS Project Plan

PMACS Task Plan

PMACS system coordinator



PMACS project initiated

PMACS system coordinator








3.2 Develop Manual Forms and Computer Input/Output Interfaces

In this activity, the design of all manual operating forms is completed. These forms include all subsystem written communications except those which exist as computer interfaces. The characteristics and formats of such documents are governed by company policy, tradition, human engineering factors, in addition to the content requirements. Care should be exercised to ensure that the design of such forms optimizes the function to be performed.

Only forms specifically required to transmit or store required data should be considered. Many inefficiencies are often built into manual systems by the creation of a paper "jungle".

The key points to remember in the design of operating forms are:

· The form usage should be self-defining, without requiring extensive supporting instructions.

· Where supporting instructions are necessary they should, it at all possible, be printed on the back of the form. In any case, they must be supplied with the form.

· The data items on the form should be clearly specified.

· Provide the minimum amount of data required to do the job - unnecessary data slow the process and confuse the issue.

· Clearly define maintenance and retention procedures.

Closely examine whether the form is necessary - unnecessary paperwork inhibits the performance of the job.

· General purpose forms can be useful in controlling the multiplicity of forms.

· Existing forms should be examined for potential applicability.

In addition, the design of all computer interfaces to human procedures is completed. This area is especially difficult because the formats of data oriented towards humans and those of data easily digestible by computers are usually quite different. Traditionally, there has been a tendency to develop computer forms and force people to use them, rather than to develop human-engineered forms or displays and force computers to deal with them. Certainly in the development of man/machine interfaces, the primary consideration must be toward making the data easily understandable, easily retrievable, and highly reliable for human consumption. Usually, only the size is fixed with regard to computer I/O - 80 column cards, 132 print positions, or 1,000 video display positions.

Within this size constraints, the major considerations are human engineering factors and peripheral hardware characteristics; e.g., it is easier and quicker to punch column 1 of a card that column 80. The prime human engineering factors to consider are emphasis, legibility, alignment, spacing, contrast, and brevity.

The specific points to remember are:

· Design the interface primarily for humans, not machines

· Keep the amount of data provided to a low enough level to ensure accurate retrieval/transmission

· Only consider data necessary to do the task

· Plan for efficient error correction cycles around the interface point

· Develop means to emphasize the more critical data

· Be concerned with the speed and accuracy of throughput at the interface points

This activity is an interaction between the manual and EDP designers until an agreed form and format for each interface is reached.

3.2.1. Methods

1. List all data required to be entered on the form with the length and type of notation.

2. State the name or phrase for each item that best describes what the item is and how it should be entered. Note the items necessary to key the form; e.g., name on a paycard. Rank order the items in terms or criticality and state whether optional or not.

3. If data on the form are destined for a machine operation such as key punching, design the layout so that the information does not have to be transcribed before the machine operation.

4. Design the form with key items at the top of the page, followed by the more critical and non-optional items; include the date. Arrange the form so that it is properly spaced and enough room is reserved for data entering. The form should have a pleasing appearance and emphasize the proper information.

5. Define on the form both the originator and recipient when in operation. Define maintenance and retention procedures and provide any necessary instructions on filling out the form. Provision should be made for control information on the form so that a control system can be used to ensure that none is lost or misdirected. This control information is also usable for forms that must be keypunched so that all are processed and none omitted.

6. If not already specified, determine the type of medium (card, printer, video), for all specified machine inputs or outputs which are interface points between man and machine.

7. Design all cards on standard layouts using the following principles:

· Orient all data towards the left, column 1

· Do not skip spaces between fields

· Avoid changing back and forth between alphabetic and numeric data

· Avoid Keep optional fields and variable length fields to the right and require fields and fixed length to the left

· Use formatted cards with fields labeled where possible

· Verify all fields

Most of these principles revolve around the keypunch function since the human reading and visual editing of card data are usually minimized. For cards that are punched and sent to customers, etc., the general principles of form design must be coupled with those of card design, since the card must be understood by people and must also (normally) be recycles through the keypunch and data entry machine functions.

8. Design all printer outputs using the following principles:

· Avoid the use of special characters which will not translate from machine to machine

· Use color striped stock for most reports. The striping facilitates the horizontal reading of the report. Special forms with preprinted line headings take time to align and may not stay aligned

· Use standard carriage control. For end of page, spacing, etc., count lines. Then there is less possibility of operational mistakes and a saving of time

· Design the pagination of the output with the bursting and dispersing of the report in mind

· The binding (top or side) should be uniform throughout the system

· List all data fields to be printed, and the maximum number of characters per field in edited mode

· Take into account requirements for printing in an easily readable format

· Allow adequate space for totals for any column to which items are added.

· The heading should contain at least the following information:

- Name and number of form or report

- Date of issue and run number

- Page number

· Specify the heading of the columns

· A report is more readable if the printing of identical data on successive lines in a column is suppressed

· Print the lines left-justified to release space on the right for user notes

· Left-justify all alphabetic data

· Right justify all numeric data.

· Keep the reports and formats short. Reduce the number of blank lines as much as readability permits

· Observe the following general rules for line-spacing:

- Use single line-spacing wherever possible

- Skip one line between the heading and the first line of the report

- Space between totals and clearly key all total lines

- Space to the next page after the last of a series of totals

9. Design all video displays using the following principles:

· Contain moderate amounts of data on any given display

· Avoid filling the screen

· Center the data to be displayed where practicable

· Underline areas into which data are to be inserted, if possible.

· Use the data protect feature, if available, for skipping to data entry points

· Use italics for emphasizing, if available; otherwise, use dramatic spacing

· Label each field clearly and understandably

· Use the printer rules for justifying and describing columns

· If display paging is used, number pages

10 Avoid using the console typewriter. If you must key the output line so that it is clearly discernible from operating system messages and operator type-ins. Avoid requesting information from the console,

11. Review forms from a human engineering standpoint and make modifications

12. Obtain agreement between manual and EDP designers of form and format. Get approval from the users of the various forms.

3.2.2 Products

· Manual operating forms (see Exhibit 3.2-A)

· Computer I/O and interface layouts:

- Printer layouts (see Exhibit 3.2-B)

- Card Layout (see Exhibit 3.2-C)

- Video layout (see Exhibit 3.2-D)

3.2.3 Background

· Procedural descriptions and diagrams (3.1)

· Process flowchart (2.5)

· Data catalog (2.4)

· Human engineering analysis documents (2.8)

· Subsystem interfaces (2.4)

· Subsystem description (2.3)

Exhibit 3.2-A. Example Of Manual Forms.



















(To be supplied)




























Exhibit 3.2-B. Example Of Printer Report Layout.



















(To be supplied)




























Exhibit 3.2-C. Example Of Card Layout



















(To be supplied)




























Exhibit 3.2-D. Example Of Video Display Layout.



















(To be supplied)




























3.3 Design Physical Data Base

The design of the Physical Data Base consists of synthesizing the requirements of the Logical Data Base, specified hardware, data management software requirements and the user-processing requirements into an optimum, implementable whole. A considerable number of difficulties may be found within this activity. In the simplest case, the subsystem merely requires the use of an already existing and therefore, fully designed file. In the worst case, there is a requirement for a complex structured, integrated data base, supported by a sophisticated data management system, using data from a variety of sources. Of course, the normal situation falls somewhere in between.

During this activity, the required data base items are grouped into physical record formats. The logical data requirements are analyzed in terms of the processes using them and of those that are relative to each other. It may be the case that logical data requirement descriptions will differ drastically and, in turn, be unlike the physical data base records (records used to pass information between programs are likely to be less complicated). The record format could change as a result of hardware change, software requirements, physical handling, performance standards, conditional relationships, record overhead loading, audit trail requirements, accessing variations, file restoration needs, or file security requirements. All these should be analyzed and indicated in the physical design, giving special consideration to:

· How the logical structure can be physically described

· Combining similar records into one forma

· Specifying all key fields

· Specifying all possible sort fields

· Specifying the character notation for each field

· naming the fields contained according to the data catalog

· Specifying the functions using the record

· Identifying how the specific support software is to be used

The subsystem data base may be the same as the system data base, or it may be a compatible subset.

A highly critical area is concerned with the software used; whether standard manufacturer-supplied file accessing methods are used, such as ISAM, or a more comprehensive data management system, such as IMS. In all cases, the software will strongly influence the physical implementation, either from the point of limiting the implementation, or by expanding the possibilities. Exactly how the selected software is to be used is very important; whether it is developed internally or is obtained from outside.

Also, during this activity, record types selected from existing systems are evaluated against the record formats prescribed for the new system data base, resulting in the design of the data base conversion system required.

It is possible that some portion of the required conversion logic will be produced by the designers of the new system, since the data base design and management techniques selected require the insertion of control type information which may not exist in existing records.

Any utility software used must be parameterized in order to accomplish the format conversion. The programs which have been designed to insert control information and construct data base records must be coded, and the overall logic assembled into an operational set of machine programs.

Some of the required data may not exist in a capturable form, and conversion methods and programs would be needed to exact the information from manual sources, or to generate it.


3.3.1. Methods

1. Group all the data fields (from the data catalog) that pertains to specific processes within the subsystem.

2. Categorize them according to whether they are key fields, optional fields, multiple fields, sort fields, linkage pointer fields, variable length or special notation.

3. Develop the root segment of the record containing all key, sort, and not-optional fixed length fields. Develop trailer segments containing all optional, multiple, or variable length fields.

4. Examine all record layouts and try to combine those which are similar in content and format, and specify the processing using the records.

5. Analyze the selected data management or file control software capabilities to determine which features of that software are most applicable to the current problem. Carefully examine the efficiencies of the various data organization methods in terms of:

· Mass storage overhead

· Extraneous access overhead

· Generated code overhead

This is done to make sure that the software can meet the performance criteria of the system/subsystem.

6. Establish priorities for the various aspects of data base optimization, among which are:

· Ease of programming usage

· Ease of reorganization or recovery

· access efficiency

· ease of update

· Storage usage

· Level of generality or integration

· Ease of maintenance

· Ease of conversion

These priorities frequently conflict and there are many tradeoffs. One example is that ease of access may complicate the update process.

7. Within these established priorities, analyze the complex of the selected hardware, the file handling or data management software, and the logical data base design together to define the physical solution. This will probably be an iterative operation with each iteration refining and improving the design.

8. Specify all access keys and the manner in which they will be used in indexes, etc.

9 Specify the user interface and procedures to the data base handling software, including:

· How to build files

· How to update files

· How to access files

· How to restore files

10. There may be both temporary and permanent record types in the data base. Distinguish between these as they will affect the physical structure.

11. Map the physical solution on to the hardware, including blocking factors, track or sector usage, physical pointers, indexes and work areas.

12. Review all data base design documentation to ensure completeness and consistency with the data catalog, etc.

3.3.2 Products

· File record layout (see Exhibit 3.3-A)

· File media chart (see Exhibit 3.3-B)

· Data base specification (see Exhibit 3.3-C - 3.3-E)

· Data base conversion logic

3.3.3 Background

· Logical data base structure (2.9)

· Process flowchart (2.5)

· Data catalog (2.4)

· Subsystem interfaces (2.4)

· Initial input/output requirements (2.4)

· Subsystem descriptions (2.3)

· System expansion requirements specification (2.1)

· System environment specification (2.2)

· Selected system approach (1.8)

· System performance criteria (1.4)

Exhibit 3.3-A. Example Of File Record Layout.



















(To be supplied)




























Exhibit 3.3-B. Example Of File Media Layout.



















(To be supplied)




























Exhibit 3.3-C. Example Of Data Base Specification Outline.



















(To be supplied)




























Exhibit 3.3-D. Example Of Physical Data Base Structure.



















(To be supplied)




























Exhibit 3.3-E. Example Of Data Base Calling Sequence.



















(To be supplied)




























3.4 Design Subsystem Protection Features







3.4.1. Methods



3.4.2 Products

· (see Exhibit 3.4-A)

3.4.3 Background


Exhibit 3.4-A. Example Of Error Handling Summary.



















(To be supplied)




























Exhibit 3.4-B. Example Of Transmission Error Detector Concept.



















(To be supplied)




























Exhibit 3.4-C. Example Of Reliability Summary.



















(To be supplied)




























Exhibit 3.4-D. Example Of Media Recovery Design.



















(To be supplied)




























3.5 Define Subsystem Programs







3.5.1. Methods



3.5.2 Products

· (see Exhibit 3.5-A)

3.5.3 Background


Exhibit 3.5-A. Example Of Process Breakout.



















(To be supplied)




























Exhibit 3.5-B. Example Of Program Breakout.



















(To be supplied)




























Exhibit 3.5-C. Example Of Program "Mainline" Logic.



















(To be supplied)




























3.6 Develop Logic Flowcharts and Tables







3.6.1. Methods



3.6.2 Products

· (see Exhibit 3.6-A)

3.6.3 Background


Exhibit 3.6-A. Example Of A Nassi/Shneiderman Form Of Design.



















(To be supplied)




























Exhibit 3.6-B. Example Of Decision Table (Limited Entry).



















(To be supplied)




























Exhibit 3.6-C. Example Of Matrix Layout.



















(To be supplied)




























Exhibit 3.6-D. HIPO.



















(To be supplied)




























3.7 Specify software Utilities and Common Routines







3.7.1. Methods



3.7.2 Products

· (see Exhibit 3.7-A)

3.7.3 Background


Exhibit 3.7-A. Example Of Identified Utilities in a Subsystem Flowchart.



















(To be supplied)




























Exhibit 3.7-B. Example Of Identified Common Routines.



















(To be supplied)




























3.8 Develop Subsystem Test Plan







3.8.1. Methods



3.8.2 Products

· (see Exhibit 3.8-A)

3.8.3 Background


Exhibit 3.8-A. Example Of Test Event Plan.



















(To be supplied)




























Exhibit 3.8-B. Example Of Subsystem Test Schedule.



















(To be supplied)




























3.9 Produce Detail Design Report







3.9.1. Methods



3.9.2 Products

· (see Exhibit 3.9-A)

3.9.3 Background


Exhibit 3.9-A. Detail Design Report Outline.

· Title Sheet

· Management Summary

· Table of Contents

· Objectives

· Timing

· Accuracy

· Flexibility

· Software Environment

· Interface

· Storage

· Privacy

· Controls

· Remote Procedures

· Inputs

· Outputs

· Data Base

· Logical Flow