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6.0 Introduction

This stage covers the activities involved in conversion and implementation. Although data conversion is important enough to be examined in detail, it forms onlt part of the entire effort required to bring a new system into operation. Unlike most of the activities which have taken place prior to comversion and implementation, the activities involved in starting up a new system will have a major impact on current operations. without very careful control throughout, there may be disastrous impact on the organization. Any conflicts arising should receive top management attention at a very early stage.

The conversion of an existing data base from its present form to one acceptable to the new system can be the most difficult portion of starting a new system. The worst case may include.

· Massive volume files

· A number of separate files being integrated into one file

· Manually maintained files

· Information content differences between the old and the new files

· Difference in file organication between old and new files

· A high error rate in the existion files

· A critical need for continuous, uninterrupted operation

The characteristics of the old and new files will have been examined during design and development of the system. What may not have been established is the error rate in the existing file; the extent of the error rate; and what is to be done about it will have been determined prior to commencement of conversion.

The organization of the implementation effort must be interfaced with the ongoing operation of the organization. The nature of replaced operations and the nature of the new system may require one of the following approaches:

· Immediate Cutover - Start the old and start the new.


« It will shock organization - no adjustment period.

« In the event of failure, the whole process must be repeated with dual disruptions of going back to the old system and of changing again to the new.

« It requires a very brief period of changeover, with consequent strain on the organization.

« It requires scheduling for minimum workload period when all required personnel are available - near contradictory requirement.

- Advantages:

« The new system is immediately available and can be fully exploited.

« If no major problems occur, the cost savings can be very significant.

- Factors Favoring:

« Small size system with low volume of data to be converted.

« Availibility of an unusually qualified team to accomplish conversion and implementation.

« An integrated system that cannot be effectively implemented by phases.

« Availability of a workable alternative in the event of failure.

« Impracticability of handling transactions in parallel.

« Demanda from the user organization for immediate availability of the new system.

· Phased Cutover - Implement the new system by phases. This means that part of the operations are handled under the old and part under the new methods.

- Disadvantages:

« The scheduling of the cutover of each phase or subsystem becomes very critical and complex. For each subsystem there is the alternative of immediate cutover or parallel processing.

« The organization of the user departments and/or the nature of the system may be such that it is not possible to implement the system by its subsystems.

- Advantages:

« The output of the implementated subsystems are utilized prior to full system implementation.

« Failure od a subsystem is not as critical and recovery does not involve the whole system.

« User experience with a well-designed subsystem will make the acceptance of the remainder of the system easier.

- Factors Favoring:

« Asystem readily segmentable into phased subsystem.

« The new and old organizations of the user structure are such that they can tolerate a phase-in by subsystem.

« High demands on system reliability.

« A highly complex system that is difficult to implement as a unit.

· Parallel Processing - Continue operations with both the old and the new system for some predetermined cycle.

- Disadvantages:

« The direct costs can be very high as almost complete duplication of processing will be required.

« The new and old organizational structures may be incompatible, making parallel processing unfeasible.

- Advantages:

« Implementation will have a system that has been fully checked out under actual operating conditions.

« Failure of the new system will be less catastrophic, as normal processing can continue to handle the work.

« User personnel will have the time to become completely familiar with the new system.

« The outputs of both old and new systems will be available for comparision and evaluation.

- Factors Favoring:

« Situations where the output of the old system need only be used for cross-checking and backup while actual operations utilize new system products.

« Situations where there is not a large degree of duplication between new and old systems.

The conversion and implementation team should be considered as one team, although it may be composed of groups with the following primary responsibilities:

· The installation group will have prime responsibilities for:

- Final site preparation and hardware installation

- Checkout of hardware and operating system software

This group should be supervised by the lead of computer operations ans must include representatives from the developmental team.

· The conversion group will have prime responsibility for:

- Conversion inputs to scheduling

- Final preparation of conversion guides

- Final analysis of files to be converted

- Performance of file conversion

- Cross-check of converted files

· The implementation group will have prime responsibility for:

- Implementation inputs to scheduling

- Final preparation of implementation guides

- Training of personnel on the new system

- Final preparation of guides and work aids for the system

- Assigning of personnel to new positions

· The conversion and implementation team will have the responsibility for:

- General training of personnel on new hardware and software

- Combined conversion and implementation schedules

- Completion of conversion and implementation through turnover to the maintenance team


- Documentation and review of conversion and implementation

- Controlling the planned response to problems encountered during conversion and implementation

At the time when the conversion and implementation team is established, a team should be established in computer operations to have responsibility for running the conversion and implementation programs and to continue operating the system until it is discarded or replaced. In addition to the responsibility for running the normal programs, this team will be responsible for running compilations, debug runs, test, special programs, and all other machine room functions associated with the system.

The activities to be accomplished during the Data Comversion and System Implementation stage are to:

· Establish conversion and implementation control plan and schedule (6.1)

· Train operations personnel on hardware, software, and the new system (6.2)

· Complete guides for the new system (6.3)

· Perform data conversion (6.4)

· Conduct management orientation on the new system (6.5)

· Conduct user personnel assignment and training for the new system (6.6)

· Train maintenance team on hardware, software, and the new system (6.7)

· Trun over system and document the conversion and implementation (6.8)

The specific products of the standard activities are:

· Detailed conversion and implementation plan

· Conversion and implementation schedule

· Revise overall plan

· Ttrained operations personnel

· Training evaluation reports

· Revised and new personnel job specifications and procedural practices for conversion and implementation

· Run instructions

· Operations manual

· Maintenance manual

· User system description

· Error logs

· Record of conversion problems

· Final conversion report

· Management orientation seminars

· Management questions and answers

· Management orientation report

· Personnel assignment (report)

· Reports on personnel acquisition

· Fully described work aids

· Work aid orders

· Test results for work aids

· Fully trained users

· Modifications to job descriptions, procedural practices and user guides

· Hardware, software and system trained analysis and programmers

· Revision to training courses, amterials, etc.

· All system documentation in final form

· All project file documentation in final form

· Formal turnover documentation

· Preliminary

· Conversion and implementation report



Exhibit 6.0-A. Suggested Program and Human Job Development Activity Network.


6.3 6.5 6.6



6.1 6.7 6.8



6.2 6.4


6.1 Establish conversion and implementation control plan and schedule

6.2 Train operations personnel on hardware, software, and the new system

6.3 Complete guided for the new system

6.4 Perform data conversion

6.5 Conduct management orientation on the new system

6.6 Conduct user personnel assignment and training for the new system

6.7 Train maintenance team on hardware, software, and the new system

6.8 Turn over system and document the conversation and implementation



6.1 Establish Conversion and Implementation Control Plan and Schedule







6.1.1. Methods



6.1.2 Products

· (see Exhibit 6.1-A)

6.1.3 Background


Exhibit 6.1-A. Example of Conversion and Implementation Schedule.



















(To be supplied)




























6.2 Train Operations Personnel on Hardware, Software, and the New System







6.2.1. Methods



6.2.2 Products

· (see Exhibit 6.2-A)

6.2.3 Background


6.3 Complete Guides for the New System







6.3.1. Methods



6.3.2 Products

· (see Exhibit 6.3-A)

6.3.3 Background


Exhibit 6.3-A. Example of Run Instruction Form.



















(To be supplied)




























Exhibit 6.3-B. Example of Operations Manual Outline.



















(To be supplied)




























Exhibit 6.3-C. Example of Maintenance Manual Outline.



















(To be supplied)




























Exhibit 6.3-D. Example of User System Description Outline.



















(To be supplied)




























6.4 Perform Data Conversion







6.4.1. Methods



6.4.2 Products

· (see Exhibit 6.4-A)

6.4.3 Background


6.5 Conduct Management Orientation on the New System







6.5.1. Methods



6.5.2 Products

· (see Exhibit 6.5-A)

6.5.3 Background


6.6 Conduct User Personnel Assignment and Training for the New System







6.6.1. Methods



6.6.2 Products

· (see Exhibit 6.6-A)

6.6.3 Background


6.7 Train Maintenance Team on Hardware, software and the New System







6.7.1. Methods



6.7.2 Products

· (see Exhibit 6.7-A)

6.7.3 Background


6.8 Turn Over System and Document the Conversion and Implementation







6.8.1. Methods



6.8.2 Products

· (see Exhibit 6.8-A)

6.8.3 Background


Exhibit 6.8-A. Conversion and Implementation Report Outline.



















(To be supplied)